GarageSaleIt is a world first purpose built ecommerce platform for charities and thrift shopping
How does it work?
The platform enables the broader community to shop for preloved and gently used items to be bought and sold in a secure, trusted environment. The platform embraces the philosophy of thrift shopping and the unique psychology of repurposing household goods and fashion items by reinventing the design and user experience of ecommerce platforms. GarageSaleIt is designed to encourage and support the participation and inclusion of all people and businesses in participating in the circular economy with ease of use design elements previously unavailable to organisations and communities. From entry into the circular e-commerce platform, to usability, to administration management, inclusion design has been fundamental to development and implementation. As a result, the platform and its participants increase the global awareness of the benefits of recycling and repurposing whilst offering the GarageSaleIt community actionable strategies to enhance their environment and lives.
Why is it needed?
Many of us, as individuals, communities and businesses, can make small contributions to reduce waste, pollution and, subsequently, our carbon footprints. But, the truth is, there is greater power in building a community of like minded organisations and people coming together to make a significant impact. The ability to be inclusive and bring together people, businesses and governments in a united community of positive environmental and social impact can underpin future strategies supporting the philosophies of reduce, reuse and recycle. Real data and real stories of social benefits can be shared widely, to drive social messaging and in turn, social change. The partnering with governments enables policy making to be determined on effective and real data, thus improving policy and equity outcomes. GarageSaleIt is enabling a level of transparency as to the social and environmental impact at an individual, community, government centre, national and global level.
How does it improve life?
It is researched that the production of materials we use every day accounts for nearly half of the CO2 emissions. This is impacted by the choices we make in fashion and the purchase of new goods and our philosophies supporting reducing, recycling and reusing. GarageSaleIt enables communities, governments and businesses to come together in the one location to support circular strategies whereby household goods are reused over and over again. This philosophy ensures we don’t continue to deplete the Earth’s resources but is also providing organisations and business the much needed platform to access a new generation of circular economy buyers. GarageSaleIt is implementing a resource footprint monitoring and calculation tool where buyers, and each individual seller can better understand the positive environmental impact of repurposing preloved goods and aggregated data can provide partnered governments with real actionable data to inform policy choice and direction.