Save Salla
Save Salla is a climate awareness design project
How does it work?
Save Salla is a climate awareness project. With an ironic interpretation of this matter, save Salla takes place on a digital platform with effective ways each one of us can adopt to make a difference. From an individual to company scale, this project wants to create a narrative of the upcoming climate forecast by becoming a likely candidate to the Summer Olympics 2032. 2032 will be a “turning point” in the battle against Global Warming, and civilians o Salla are feeling and seeing a continuous change in their town. Despite being one of the coldest regions of Finland, this campaign is an impactful way of materializing what can possibly be a dire future. The purpose of the announcement, which wasn’t an actual bid, was a call to the world to help with the ongoing climate crisis. And even though there were no real intentions for the town to submit the bid, Salla followed all steps and protocol to host the Summer Games, including creating a complete communication package and strategy.
Why is it needed?
Carbon dioxide is the climate’s worst enemy. It’s released when oil, coal, and other fossil fuels are burned for energy — the energy we use to power our homes, cars, and smartphones. Using less of it can curb our contribution to climate change while also saving money. With this project, it is possible to foresee an improbable scenario. Located in the coldest region of Finland, it is estimated that the winters will be colder and sorter, making Salla the (un)perfect location to host the 2032 Olympic Games. Even though the tone is ironic, the ultimate intention is for Salla and the rest of the world to be saved.
How does it improve life?
Thanks to Global Warming, in 12 years, the temperature will be higher. The winter will be shorter. Until one day, the snow will be gone. Save Salla is another project that fights for climate change. Advocating for the better lives of people worldwide, they are on the mission to raise awareness and educate those who lack sufficient information on how to take action.