Prepex Male Circumcision device
A device that facilitates non-surgical adult male circumcision for HIV prevention.
How does it work?
The prepex device is a ring and elastic band contraption that compresses the foreskin by cutting off the blood supply. It is non surgical, there is no blood, no need for anaesthetics, and no sutures.
Why is it needed?
WHO and UNAIDS have proved that circumcised men reduce their risk of HIV Infection by approximately 60% in high risk areas such as Sub-Saharan Africa. Prepex is the way forward for scaleable circumcision in rural areas where the possibility to perform surgical circumcisions is reduced. It's very affordable as it is a lightweight three-part disposable plastic device.
How does it improve life?
Circumcision cuts down the potential of contracting HIV by 60% but the surgical method of performing circumcision requires highly trained medical professionals and sterile surgery-type settings. This is not scaleable or possible in rural areas of Sub-Saharan Africa. Prepex makes it safe, affordable and scaleable. As the prepex procedure is so simple, it frees up highly skilled medical workers