Write inclusively with a browser extension
How does it work?
Write inclusively with Witty's AI powered browser plugin throughout your whole organisation. An essential tool for teams in today's diverse business world. Software-assisted inclusion writing, skipping the training and copy writing services and teaching you by doing. Witty analyses your text while you write. It helps you detect non-inclusive language by underlining it and fix it with an inclusive alternative. When wanting to learn why a wording is problematic, Witty provides you with a more thorough explanation. Effortless learning, integrated in your daily flow.
Why is it needed?
For a future-proof organisation, inclusive language is a must. Witty is your go-to solution. It is the bridge between good intentions and making a difference in building a sustainable and successful inclusive culture. With inclusive communications, internally or externally, you reach everyone; customers and employees. No one is left out.
How does it improve life?
Witty Works' mission is to support companies to unlock diversity and become inclusive. We do this through our AI-based language assistant that detects unconscious stereotypes and biases in communication and enables companies and their employees to consistently apply inclusive language and to disseminate corporate language rules in an automated manner. Since language is an everyday tool, employees become aware of their biases in an unoffensive way and can thus change their behaviour word by word. Moreover, we raise awareness of how unconscious bias affects the workplace through awareness sessions.