an augmented reality app hat “replaces” static subway signs with moving, digital art when activated
New York is a city of commuters. 5.5 million riders move through its expansive subway system on an average weekday. Advertisers take advantage of this huge, captive audience by bombarding everyone with commercial messages.Over the years, artists have attempted to take back this public space and our attention, but the system remains full of ads. This is why we created NO AD, a mobile app available now for FREE on iOS and Android. Recently Re+Public (an ongoing collaboration between PublicAdCampaign, The Heavy Projects, and The Subway Art Blog) turned the entire NYC subway system into a makeshift gallery with a digital exhibition of 39 GIF artworks, viewable only by smartphone. Called Bob-omb, the exhibit features some of the most influential names in GIF-able moving imagery, including Caitlin Burns, James Kerr – Scorpion Dagger, Molly Soda and Zack Dougherty.