Interspecies Internet
A think-tank for interspecies communication
How does it work?
Interspecies Internet is a multidisciplinary global think-tank to encourage the acceleration of Interspecies Communication with 4500+ members, including leading sector professionals. A primary premise of the project is that the Interspecies Internet can be used both to link non-human species that are not collocated and can use its computational capacity to introduce AI/ML methods to transduce signals from one species into coherent signals for another.
Why is it needed?
With the aim to positively impact species conservation, welfare, empathy, compassion, enrichment, sustainability, and understanding, The Interspecies Internet brings together a multidisciplinary group drawn from the sciences, arts and humanities in a rich collaborative forum, to advance the understanding and appreciation of the mental lives and intelligence of the diverse species with which we share our planet.
How does it improve life?
The Interspecies Internet’s mission is to encourage, explore and facilitate interfaces for interspecies communication and approaches for deciphering the communication of non-human animals. While the Covid-19 pandemic prevented a 2020 in-person event there was great success with the Interspecies Conversations Digital Workshop and Public Conference. The invitation-only scientific workshop on Friday 17th July was attended by 115 academics and scientists while the public conference on Saturday 18th July saw an audience of 723. The event was truly global, the live broadcast reached six continents and is now available online. The audiences of both days now make up the 2000+ Interspecies Internet network. A further outcome of these events is an open Slack channel that currently has 243 contributing members.