Solar panels powered by sand
How does it work?
Maana Electric’s TerraBox is a fully automated factory capable of producing solar panels using only sand and electricity as inputs. The TerraBox fits within shipping containers, allowing the TerraBoxes to be transported to deserts across the globe and produce clean renewable energy.
Why is it needed?
Materials and energy are the largest costs in today’s solar panel production processes. By using low-cost feedstock and their own produced electricity as inputs, Maana can significantly reduce the cost of its solar panels. Reducing solar panel costs means more solar projects become economically viable resulting in a faster transition to renewable energy!
How does it improve life?
1/3 of the land on Earth is covered in deserts. Maana can use any type of sand to produce its solar panels. Maana’s factories are fully transportable, Allowing us to bring the factory to the construction site and produce panels on site. Maana is able to produce its solar panels without any greenhouse gas emissions. Our panels are 100% clean from the moment they are produced until the end of their lifetime. Maana believes its technology presents the best short term solution to curbing global warming! With Maana’s processes, there is no more need for large supply chains which reduces costs, breakage & emissions from transport.