Ukraine Take Shelter
An independent platform helping to connect Ukrainian refugees with potential hosts and housing.
How does it work? is a website and a public bulletin. They encourage everyone with spare space to post a listing and to mark their listing as filled once they have successfully taken in refugees. For refugees and hosts, it requires identity verification either through government issued ID card or passport. The website use Stripe Identity Verification to accomplish this. To view contact information on listings, identity verification is required. It allows users to report listings that may be malicious. Once a listing has been reported, the team of volunteers review every report manually and take action.
Why is it needed?
We have a war going on in Europe at the moment. That causes a huge amount of people migrating to more peaceful locations. But there are critical situations many places in the world regarding refugees from either war or nature disasters. We need quick and adaptable solutions.
How does it improve life?
This solution is asking the world society to take responsibility for eachother. It is about emphaty and humanity and it will unite people to fight against evil or inhumane conditions.