Mental health and awareness apps for families
How does it work?
togetherAI is a digital companion, working with parents to help their children grow up safe, healthy and well. The app uses machine learning to help parents and kids identify and understand their thoughts, feelings and emotions so they can overcome challenges together. Kids create their own companion, which will chat, listen, play and check-in on how they're feeling. togetherAI analyses hundreds of data points to help kids understand what they're thinking, feeling and experiencing. Their conversational support enables parents and kids to connect and build resilience together. When a risk or challenge is identified, they'll help families engage in the right conversation.
Why is it needed?
Youth mental health is deteriorating as children are “on device” at increasingly younger ages with an alarming correlation in increased rates of anxiety, depression, cyber-predatory and cyber-bullying. Research suggests 1 in 5 young people will be socially excluded, threatened or abused online this year, and 1 in 4 are at clinical risk of serious mental illness but the majority are reluctant to seek help. Families often lack the awareness, knowledge and communication skills necessary to navigate complex scenarios and build resilient mental health and wellbeing on the journey to adulthood. Research suggests that over 70% of parents feel that they struggle to communicate with their children.
How does it improve life?
togetherAI has been developed for families and is designed to help children, parents and caregivers develop and strengthen their mental health and wellbeing, together. Thousands of families have asked them for help on: communicating with their kids about challenging issues and experiences. Understanding what their children are thinking and feeling. Accessing the exact information they need to help their kids at the right time.