A brethalyzer which is able to give results in 5 minutes with accuracy comparable to PCR tests.
How does it work?
To use the tool, you breathe into a single-use tube for 10 seconds, and then it’s loaded into a small, printer-size spectrometer that reads the results. While scientists have developed some other COVID breathalyzers, this system is portable, so it could easily be used at the entry to crowded places like stadiums or conference centers to give fast results and find people who have COVID, but may not have any symptoms.
Why is it needed?
The breathalyzer will be able to give results in 5 minutes with an accuracy comparable to PCR tests, the results of which can take days to get back from overwhelmed labs.
How does it improve life?
It’s not something that would be used everywhere, since the spectrometer that reads results is expensive. But for large events, it could be a faster way to clear people for entry that also avoids the awkwardness of sticking a swab in your nose. The researchers have spun out a new company and are taking steps toward commercialization.