Ocean Battery
An offshore energy storage deployed on the seabed
How does it work?
The Ocean Battery is a scalable, modular solution for utility scale energy storage that is produced by renewable sources such as wind turbines and floating solar farms at sea. Ocean Battery is a pumped hydro system in a box that provides eco-friendly utility scale energy storage up to GWh scale. The mechanism is based on hydro dam technology, that has proven itself for over a century as highly reliable and efficient.
Why is it needed?
Producing renewable energy is crucial for a climate neutral economy. This energy transition requires a significant change in the energy system. More and more solar and wind turbine parks are being realized onshore and offshore to contribute to a sustainable society. The planned global production of offshore wind, for the year 2050, exceeds 1150 gigawatt. Soon, weather conditions will dictate the timing of renewable energy production, causing large fluctuations., a massive growth! .
How does it improve life?
To grow to a system where renewable energy is the norm, the biggest hurdle must be solved: energy storage. At Ocean Grazer, we tap into this huge potential of renewable energy by introducing the Ocean Battery. We are ready to meet future utility scale energy storage needs