AI Learning Helper
The AI Learning Helper assists kids learning to read, with pronunciation and textual understanding.
The AI Learning Helper is a new innovative solution for assisted learning targeting the home-schooling of children. It provides assistance to the child when it practices reading. The child is able to interact and communicate with an AI which listens to the child when it reads out loud. Based on the child’s voice, the AI is able to understand and compare it’s reading with the actual text of the story AND to evaluate the pronunciation of the child and practice misspoken words out loud. The AI is also capable of asking questions about the text afterwards, e.g. what was the color of the whale? – and to understand and evaluate the child’s reply. In this way, the AI Learning Helper is able to help children practice their reading skills and text understanding. The AI Learning Helper is very patient and has all the time in the world to focus on the individual child. And just like a real teacher, the AI Learning Helper understands the needs and learning journey of the individual child.