a green energy company that collects waste coffee grounds and recycles them into Advance Biofuels
London’s coffee shops and instant coffee factories produce over 200,000 tonnes of coffee waste every year. Currently this waste is incinerated, sent to AD plants or disposed of in landfill, releasing harmful Green House Gases and contributing to the UK’s waste crisis. Bio-bean uses a sophisticated coffee waste recycling infrastructure to collect this waste and transport it to our local processing plant. Bio-bean uses an innovative, patented technique to process this waste into two Advanced Biofuel products, namely biomass pellets and biodiesel. We work with people on the cutting edge of innovation within the recycling and green energy sector. From waste collection experts, to talented bio-chemical engineers, we have a dynamic team with a broad range of expertise. Bio-bean sells these Advanced Biofuels to London’s businesses where they are used for powering buildings and transport. Bio-bean’s fuels are highly calorific and 100% carbon-neutral.