Sokowatch - inventory solution by phone
The design (Sokowatch) enables informal retailers to manage their inventories with a cell phone
Millions of independent shops across East Africa form the backbone of communities and local economies. Yet, many lack the advanced tools to source and manage inventory properly, leading to stock shortages, lost sales, and wasted perishable goods. Such inventory supply chain issues can be a costly problem considering East Africa’s 10 million independent shops can move a combined $180 billion worth of goods each year. Kenya-based Sokowatch offered a solution in 2020 that enables these informal retailers to manage their inventories with nothing more than a cell phone. Using Sokowatch’s mobile app–or even just SMS messaging–shop owners (currently around 15,000 in at least nine African locations) can request inventory replenishment from central distribution hubs instead of needing to contact myriad suppliers. Best of all, orders can be placed at any time of the day and be delivered via tuk-tuks in two hours or less.