Physical address system to unlock commerce, save lives and improve access to finance for 4B people.
4 billion people around the world live without a physical address, and this number is more than the number of those with an address. Solving the problem of lack of physical address system is crucial for these residents, because having an address means unlocking commerce through enhanced logistics, saving lives through improved emergency services and growing access to finance through better personal identification. The OkHi system works by uploading an image of your front door/home and locating it on the GPS system after downloading the smartphone app. Users then can share their OkHi address using WhatsApp, SMS or email so that other users can locate their friends or families or even markets and physical landmarks. The system is easily scalable across the world, so after Kenya, OkHi aims to solve the address problem for 4 the billion people who do not have a physical address right now.