Algae grower
Simplifying the process of growing spiraling at home
The Algae Grower simplifies the process of growing spirulina (a non-toxic blue-green algae) at home, and can produce five grams of biomass per day – enough to satisfy the needs of an average adult. The prototype device, unveiled earlier this month, is designed to fit on a kitchen counter and uses photobioreactor processes to provide the culture with light, heat and air. When it’s ready to be eaten, the spirulina can be collected from a small drawer. From healing wounds to safer sunscreen, the potential use cases for algae are endless, and some products, including Loliware’s seaweed straws and Ohoo’s edible water pods are already in the hands of consumers. For now, the Algae Grower remains a prototype but it’s another reminder that, as sustainability concerns continue to grow, it won’t be enough to make vague commitments to ‘reduce your impact’.