Toolkit to control, track and save on your water usage
Nudge Systems' patented water sensor technology and proprietary algorithms helps users who care about our planet to be in the know (and in) control, of their water. Their user interface is designed to provide both the immediate feedback and long-term behavioural data to help clients make the smartest decisions for themselves and their families. The kit consists of: The Pleco sensor attaches to a functioning water meter and sends water usage information in near real time to the Pleco display. The battery shell houses four (4) standard D-cell batteries that are used to power the sensor and radio data transmission to the display. The Pleco touch-screen display receives sensor data and shows water usage in near real time. The container used to ship Pleco is used to calibrate the system. During calibration you will fill the container to the 1-Gallon water mark in order to initialize the system. The Pleco app will show water usage in near real-time in your smartphone.