The Restoration Hydro Turbine
Hydroelectric turbines with fish-friendly attributes
Hydroelectric turbines are used to produce renewable energy, but they come with risks to wildlife, particularly salmon and other fish that need to use the waterways. The Restoration Hydro Turbine (RHT) is a hydroelectric turbine combining high performance, safe fish passage and a short draft tube for simple civil works. Low number of blades reduces likelihood of strike. Blunt, slanted leading edge deflects the fish away from the blade, reducing the likelihood of a direct impact. Slanted blade tip reduces the severity of strike, allowing high runner rpm and reduced generator cost. The runner has the same high efficiency as a well-designed conventional propeller blade. Variable speed and variable wicket gates enable double-regulated efficiency curve. The turbine has been designed to enable survival of >99% of fish less than 300 mm in length (such as salmon smolts), despite compact runner diameter of 1m - 3m, enabling simple project logistics.