seeds of hope
Ai Weiwei's Sunflower Seeds
Ai Weiwei began the process of producing the porcelain seeds two and a half year in advance of the Tate Modern exhibition – and earlier and smaller editions of seeds have been exhibited before the opening there. Also from the Tate installation Ai Weiwei has afterwards created new and smaller versions, why the original version of 150 tons is now 100 tons. Acclaimed as the “seeds of hope”, a work of “part prophecy, part threat”, an installation intriguingly “contemplative and barbed”, Ai Weiwei’s Sunflower Seeds has been exhibited in various versions at 12 galleries across 11 cities, 9 countries since 2009. As the institution hosting the inaugural exhibition of this work, Faurschou Foundation has had the honor to show 'Sunflower Seeds' three times in both its Beijing and Copenhagen spaces.