TRK is an open source tool for data training and labeling which visualizes wage for transparency.
Technically Responsible Knowledge (TRK)is an open source tool for data training and labeling and offers a wage calculator creators that visualizes their tasks for their labelers and pushes creators towards a living wage. calculator focuses on a worker's time and payment towards entire workdays as opposed to pricing tasks in aggregate. TRK focuses on how pricing structures and the invisible nature of gig work, clients underprice, undervalue and misunderstand how tasks are handled in ‘human as a service’ platforms. My team has spent the past year researching and developing this-speaking to gig economy workers and labor researchers. Workers in Mechanical Turk style platforms operate in systems that commoditizes them, leaving them underpaid and poorly treated. This project sheds light on how payment interfaces can function to benefit the worker. Our project provides an open source tool for research labs, artists, and start ups to data train and label, their own data sets and price fairly.