The Seaside Finolhu Beach Bubble
Hotel room / beach bubble tailor-made for guests worried about catching coronavirus.
When the Seaside Finolhu hotel on the idyllic island of Baa Atoll in the Maldives reopens in July 2020, it will be launching a novel room concept designed to lure guests to its shores. The Beach Bubble room is a private cocoon with a prime location on the beachfront, ideal for vacationing in a post-Covid19 world, according. Covid19 has devastated the international hospitality industry, and lots of island nations, which rely heavily on tourism as a mainstay of their economies, have been particularly hard hit by the shutdowns. So there can be no doubt that hotels in these regions are eager to attract guests again, although they are having to come up with innovative ways to get noticed by customers, who are sure to be more conscious of hygiene and sanitation than ever before. Beach Bubble. This room type was not specifically designed for social distancing following the coronavirus crisis, but in a lucky twist of fate, it is absolutely ideal for it.