AliviaFemme, the female heating pad
The pad releases heat to relief period cramps while doing any activity, it's portable and looks good
We are a team of women trying to help more women like us with a very common and unconfortable problem, period cramps. In occasions the pain is so strong that it doesn´t let us do our activities, and that includes going to school or work! The current solutions to treat themare not very healthy, like pills; or they are notorious and have to wear them while laying down, like hot water bags. We want women to have freedom to live their period and their life more comfortable, healthy and fully. So, how does the pad works? The thin heating neoprene pad has an inner system (resistors and a rechargable battery) that releases heat in the lower belly area in 3 different intensity levels,to be chosen by the client. It can be used with a belt that alows to wear it while doing any activity. Also, it can be worn inside of the clothes or outisde, like an accesory, just by attaching a neoprene fanny pack in front of the pad, where ladies can store their period products too!