A solution to microfibre pollution.
We aim to substantially minimize micro-plastic pollution in our water ways by implementing the Enzer filtration system into homes around the world. Empowering users to be the solution. ENZER is an Australian company integrating science, technology and design into a biotech product that aims to minimise the microplastics in our waterways. Addressing the damaging effects of the fashion industry, ENZER strives to implement their filtration system into user's homes, empowering them to be part of Enzer's solution. First, the water will flow into the outer shell which is made of stainless steel. Once inside, the water will flow around the compartment and eventually flow through the mesh filter. The mesh will capture the larger particles that get released from the clothing during The ENZER team also aims to operate in a closed loop product lifecycle by working with sustainable materials that have a lower environmental footprint.