Open Workshop
Accessible workshop tools out of readily available materials
Open Workshop is a new way to create machinery at home using 3D printed parts and readily available materials from places such as B&Q. It allows expensive machinery to be created inexpensively, meaning that a wider range of people can access machines that otherwise would have been difficult or expensive to access. The connectors shown offer a basis for many machines that can be printed worldwide if you have access to a 3D printer, or brought from us if you don't. Hopefully the parts and mechanisms provided will inspire the creation of workshops and maker spaces around the world. This network of designers will then be able to upload their new designs for parts and machines. Over the past few years the open design movement has grown, offering many different products and services anywhere people have access to a workshop. They are more sustainable because it is easier to share the idea, and it be created there, rather than the finished product being shipped.