Loomio, Tools for Turning Talk Into Action.
Loomio is free and open source software for anyone, anywhere: Tools for Turning Talk Into Action.
When we hear all voices, we make better decisions. Loomio, Tools for Turning Talk Into Action. Loomio is a user-friendly tool for collaborative decision-making. The world needs a better way to make decisions together. Loomio is free and open source software for anyone, anywhere, to participate in decisions that affect them. Loomio emerged when activists from the Occupy movement teamed up with the social enterprise network Enspiral, realising that they were using different approaches to work towards the same aim. “Loomio unleashes the internet’s potential to bring people towards consensus rather than polarized debate." - Douglas Rushkoff, author of Present Shock After finding it impossible to coordinate a committee across Asia and Europe using other tools, the Non-Violent Communication Convention moved to Loomio. "Loomio is hitting a sweet spot between individual voice and collective decision.” – Micah Sifry, Editor, TechPresident http://youtu.be/wSj81OxhdBg