Soy Rosita, soy mujer, soy campesina
Teaching indigenous women how to strengthen their leadership roles in their community
Soy Rosita, soy mujer, soy campesina, soy indígena (I am Rosita, I am a woman, I am a farmer, I am indigenous) is a training programme that, since 2019, has been teaching indigenous women how to strengthen their leadership roles in their community and prevent gender-based violence. 94 indigenous women and farm workers have attended the training school. Supported by UN Women, UNICEF and UNHCR, with funding from the Peace Building Fund, the training school is part of a project implemented by Hombres en Marcha, in Colombia and Ecuador. It is the first initiative of its kind in these border towns that is exclusively focused on addressing gender-based violence. By boosting women’s political participation, and by involving men as allies of gender equality, the initiative aims to prevent gender-based violence and establish more equitable gender norms. The programme has made participants aware of their rights and taught them how to strengthen their economic, civic and political participation.