Afresh - fighting food waste with tech
Afresh uses AI to transform ordering, forecasting, and store operations.
Afresh system is unlike any other replenishment technology. The flagship product of Afresh enables grocers to optimize the amount of perishables they carry at any given time in any given store. We’re helping minimize food waste, maximize in-stock rate, and multiply profits. Instead of just forecasting demand, Afresh leverage AI to optimize decision making and address the lack of accurate perpetual inventory. The unexpected is expected in fresh food. The data engine of Afresh detects issues to automate as much as possible while engaging store associates when necessary. Existing systems force store labor to perform onerous processes to maintain systems. Instead, Afresh builds delightful interfaces that facilitate simple, familiar, and lightweight workflows, creating superhuman associates. Our end-to-end system is self-monitoring, from process adherence to AI accuracy, ensuring that the tool is always fully leveraged.