Rebirth Garments
Gender non-conforming wearables for people on the full spectrum of gender, size and ability
Rebirth Garment’s mission is to create gender non-conforming wearables and accessories for people on the full spectrum of gender, size and ability. The line creates a community where all people can confidently express their individuality and identity. Our identity is that of Queer and Disabled, which encompasses queer, gender nonconforming identities, apparent and non-apparent disabilities/ disorders—physical, mental, psychological, intellectual, developmental, emotional, etc. In particular, our trans and disabled communities have very particular clothing needs that are not adequately served by mainstream clothing designers. Instead of being centred on cisgender, heterosexual, white, thin people, Rebirth Garments is centred on Queer and Disabled people. We maintain the notion of Radical Visibility, a movement based on claiming our bodies and, through the use of bright colors, exuberant fabrics, and innovative designs, highlighting the parts of us that society typically shuns.