Muru Music Health
A music listening platform for an ageing population.
Muru Music Health is preparing to launch an AI music therapy platform to help those suffering from cognitive decline to use music to keep their brain active. The platform provides access to a catalogue of a million songs, the majority of which were released before the 1980s. With dementia, areas of the brain shut down and become less active. Muru Music founder Nicc Johnson explained how the idea is that “…music can stimulate those areas again. Muru Music Health is currently in the beta phase and is scheduled to launch in September 2020. Johnson said the long term vision is to eventually expand the platform so it can be used in other medical areas, such as mental health and in supporting people’s general wellbeing. The web-based platform, which has been built on Google Cloud, uses technology the company has dubbed as AI Music Brain. AI Music Brain is a human-assisted AI system that analyses huge quantities of music to find similarities based on personal music taste.