Customized 3D printed sensorised facemask for the correction of maxillofacial disorders in children
The protraction facemasks to treat Class III malocclusion in children are unaesthetic and uncomfortable, cause skin irritations and prevent compliance with the therapy. SuperPowerMe develops a customised facemask considering different aspects of children's experience: ergonomics, aesthetics, social acceptance and motivating factors. The project employs 3D modelling techniques to model the facemask on child’s anatomy, 3D printing with biocompatible materials, and customized design to reach a proper balance between ergonomics, functionality and aesthetics. Thanks to embedded sensors and a mobile app, the therapy is monitored based on wear time and it is connected with gamification strategy to promote children’s compliance. SuperPowerMe is a co-design project involving different stakeholders (children, parents, orthodontists, designers, engineers, psychologists) to iteratively design the customisation process, experiment with different materials and ideate the gamification strategy.