3D printed joinery and furniture designed to encourage the reuse of low-grade materials
How can 3D printed joinery encourage the reuse of low-grade materials? The [ T ] joinery system was designed to create a visual language that celebrates the assembly and disassembly of products as well as their hacking or altering. Both the [ T ] chair and shelf use the 3D-printed joinery but in fairly different ways, specifically relevant to their purposes. Like Legos, the interlocking mechanism becomes an integral part of the design and a soft nudge towards the viewer, reminding them that things could still be changed, rearranged, and played with. Although the [ T ] chair and shelf have a similar aesthetic, informed by what was available at the time of their design, the idea is that when moving homes, their owner could choose to only carry the joinery, like seeds, and use them with materials found in the new location.