Accelerate the World's Transition to Sustainable Aviation
ZeroAvia enables zero emission air travel at scale, starting with 500 mile short-haul trips, at half of today’s cost. Novel approach removes many limitations of the current zero emission programs. $100+ billion market in faster, safer, cleaner, more convenient local travel. ​Resulting market disruption creates 100,000+ unit demand in the next 10 years. However, only smaller planes can fly to these airports because of length of runway and noise limits. 10–20 seat aircraft represents an optimal balance between flexibility and operational efficiency. To solve these problems, we need to move to zero-emission aircraft, flying more point-to-point, utilizing existing smaller airports. Having a fleet of small airplanes utilizing existing array of 15000 airports, 5000 of which are public, would greatly reduce air travel passenger congestion and eliminate security delays.