The Plated Project
Selling decorative plates of life during Covid-19 to support those most affected
The invisible enemy has not only caused damage to our health, but also to our economy. The most affected of all are daily wage earners, slum dwellers and migrant workers. The sudden loss of income has caused a lot of them struggle even for their daily meals ‘A plate full of hope’ is our way of helping them. We’ve collaborated with some of amazing global artists and partners to create limited edition art plates. Each art plate vividly captures a moment from the life during the Covid-19 pandemic. It tells a tale of hope that is helping millions get through these difficult times. For each plate sold, we donated 100% of the proceeds to Goonj for a month and sponsored 137,500 meals. ​ Now we continue to donate half of the profit on each plate to Goonj and we share the rest with the artist. This amount sponsors a ration and meal kit consisting of essentials like dal, rice, atta and other essentials, enough for 60 meals for one worker's family.