Non-alcoholic drink that will cut stress and produce bliss
Kin is disrupting the alcohol industry. Part adaptogen and part nootropic - drink called “euphoric” that will “elevate your state, and let you consciously connect with others". The idea is that the nootropics—a combination of natural and man-made compounds that have been found to benefit various parts of the brain—help you to reach a sort of bliss spot, while the adaptogens and botanics help restore and balance the body and the brain. Euphorics produce an overall feeling of rising: an elevating blend of sensations including relaxed focus, replenished energy, and lifted mood. "We believe that by creating a new revelry experience," says founder, "one that taps into our bliss network—neural and spiritual—allowing us more opportunities for pleasurable exchanges, creativity, kindness, and long-lasting memories, that we can change the way we relate to one another."