Bringing sexy back to insemination
Polish designer Kamila Rudnicka has created an artificial insemination tool that doubles up as a sex toy, in the hopes of restoring pleasure to an often clinical process. Like other self-insemination aids, it allows the intimate process of conception to be carried out in the comfort and privacy of the home. But in place of a purely functional design, the Way device draws on the same visual language as a minimalist dildo. It is made of soft pink, medical-grade silicone with a ring at its base containing a removable bubble, which holds the semen. "Hands are very important when we are making love, especially in lesbian sex," said Rudnicka. "That's why I decided to use them to connect two people. Just using a device will not give them the same feeling as using their own body during sex." By integrating the device into a couple's sexual activity, the non-conceiving partner can feel like they are a part of the process, while making the process itself more pleasurable.