An App for reuniting families in disaster situations.
Rapid Family Tracing and Reunification) helps humanitarian action workers to quickly collect vital information from children who have been separated from caregivers in disasters, and to share it securely with people who can get them help and find their families. This open source mobile application is used to record key information about the child’s identity, including a photo and information about their separation. The data is then shared on a central database for family members to look for a missing child. Before RapidFTR, humanitarian action workers had to use paper and fill out lots of forms which took a lot of time. RapidFTR was first piloted in a Congolese transit refugee camp in Uganda in 2012, was then used during the South Sudan Internally Displaced Person(s) (IDP) crisis of 2013, and, most recently, deployed in the Philippines after typhoon Yolanda and in support of the current crisis in South Sudan.