Project Cevec
Cevec allows a quick and safe placement of a central venous catheter in emergencies.
Intravenous catheters are thin tubes which are inserted into patients' veins to administer medication or other fluids. They are commonly used in the emergency room and before surgeries. A central venous catheter (CVC) gets placed into the large vein in the neck, chest or groin. Current central venous catheterisation methods need many tools and specific skills for using them appropriately. These circumstances pose a problem for their application in pre-hospital situations. Cevec is a system which closes this gap. It enables paramedics and emergency doctors to insert a central venous catheter quickly and safely. Thereby it reduces the necessary steps to a minimum. The system considers special conditions of emergency situations such as unsteady surroundings and time pressure. The highly distinguishable equipment also ensures a clear understanding of the process, which makes it easy to use for untrained staff.