OriMetric Rubberized Origami
Utilizing intelligent patterns to save material and create highly flexible computational material
OriMetric combines the historic Japanese origami craft with modern molding fabrication techniques. Where origami is known for paper folding, OriMetric is molded in a thin folded pattern utilizing the crease patterns structural strength, shock absorbing and expanding quality but in a flexible resilient form. The molded “Auxetic” material memory allows the folded structure to retain its original designed shape no matter the pressure or stretching of the material. These material mechanical properties have been proven to have high energy absorption and facture resistance. The meta material valley and mountain tessellation allows for excellent strengths in withstanding pressure even down to 1mm material thickness in a 10-20mm tessellation saving up about 70% material use. The material which only consists of nature rubber is biodegradable and without adhesives. Besides OriMetric protective qualities it has great sound absorption and 3D shaping qualities for design applications.