#TheDesign Concept
#TheDesign empowers humans to live in the beautiful and wasteless world of design
Humans have achieved super mobility, but need Home like never before. Home can be wherever we want it. We can have with us everything we care about and no need to carry it anymore. We get attached to things and places and can't get rid off them. Infinite number of objects decay for millennias slowly poisoning all living beings including our kids. I dream one day homes will stop being filled with things for the sake of things. I am working on the solution how to make the design affordable to everyone and stop consumerism and overproduction with rapidly increasing wastes. I want to leave this world full of beauty and ideas and not full of waste and poison. #TheDesign is the concept how to live in the world of design, but not things. #TheDesign can be anything i.e. the decoration and furniture and lighting, etc. in augmented reality. It is realistic visual of the goods and not its plastic clone.