enables people with different abilities to play and exercise together
iGYM™ is a projection-based augmented reality system for inclusive play and exercise. It is designed for school and community-based sport or recreation facilities seeking to provide novel and accessible ways for people with different abilities to play and exercise together. iGYM™ projects a circle on the floor around each detected player that enters the playfield. The circle can be expanded – through body movement or with a push button – to manipulate a virtual ball or disc on the floor. In addition, the system allows balancing players’ individual differences in response time or processing speed by calibrating game mechanic parameters for each player individually. The iGYM™ system was inspired by a 11-year-old sports enthusiast and power wheelchair user, who was interested in one of our previous interactive game systems, but could not access it at the time. The resulting exchange was a key motivation to build an augmented reality system for the design space of inclusive play.