Save Money, Save the Planet.
Get cash back on every dollar you spend – and extra rewards for shopping at businesses with a conscience. Plus, track the impact of your spending on People and the Planet. Big banks use your deposits to fund oil drilling and pipelines – and pay you almost zero on your money. At Aspiration, your deposits are fossil fuel free and earn up to 2.00% APY interest. And you have easy access to ethical, environmentally-friendly investing. Did you know that Big Banks spend the money they earn from you on lobbyists and campaign contributions to get politicians to do their bidding? We commit to donating 10% of earnings to charities helping struggling Americans build a better life. Switch to Aspiration and save up to $545 every year. Aspiration pays you high interest on your savings, provides cash back and trusts you to pay only the fee you think we deserve – even if it is zero. That means you can use any ATM in the universe...for free!