LifeLadder improves safety around wharves and quay walls. It is visible, durable, and versatile.
Safety ladders are found in ports worldwide. They are pathways to safety, being the only mean of rescue for a person alone in distress in the water. After realizing that traditional safety ladders have not been improved for decades, we decided it was time to develop a modern alternative. We conducted research in order to specify the needs for our product, LifeLadder. These findings clarified that a new safety ladder had to be visible day and night, non-corrosive, light-weight, and adaptable to fit any kind of waterfront structure. LifeLadder is made of reinforced synthetic modules in a bright, yellow color that ensure visibility during the day whilst its solar-powered LED light provides visibility at night. Its robust and non-corrosive materials are maintenance-free and have a much more extensive lifetime than the existing alternatives. Since market launch in the spring of 2018, LifeLadder has upgraded safety in 14 countries worldwide.