Urban-automated vehicle fleet to increase the quality of city life and add work value during travel.
Stuttgart has come to a limit in regards to air pollution and traffic. The special conditions of its basin location make it even harder to fight these infrastructural problems. Old diesel engines are already being banned from the main city space to better the air quality. Further conditioning has to happen to improve city life quality as a whole. My Solution: EQUO EQUO is an urban-autonomous-public vehicle fleet to increase the quality of city life and add a work value during travel. 1. It does not need parking spaces due to its automated drive system. 2. It can run up to 2000km with its innovative silicon-air battery and only needs to be charged outside the main city area. 3. It creates a mobile office and establishes ideal working conditions for all passengers and is additionally an alternative to public and private transport. 4. The exterior and interior are designed to translate autonamous driving and make it the safest place possible for passengers and pedestrians.