New teeth care.
New product to care for your teeth.
All over the world there is an acute problem of ecology! One of the main problems of contamination of plastic products. All people use toothpaste to care for their teeth. Usually the toothpaste has a plastic packaging. The idea is to develop eco-friendly packaging made of cardboard or paper and put capsule toothpaste in this package. The capsule consists of a shell - gelatin and inside is a toothpaste. One or two of these capsules can be put in a toothbrush moistened with water and cleaned. The gelatin sheath will dissolve and the toothpaste will fall into the oral cavity. It can be difficult to teach children to brush their teeth, not all children love it. Therefore, for children, capsules with toothpaste can be in the form of different little animals, flowers, and various other fun forms.