Dual fuel cook stove for Mozambique
Dual fuel cook stove for low income users in Mozambique to cook using either charcoal or electricity
In Mozambique the majority of the population primarily rely on charcoal for cooking, typical stoves are poorly designed, inefficient and often cause health issues due to smoke inhalation. Our design research identified that there was a demand from low income users to adopt clean cooking practices, but lacked the financial capacity to buy a second stove. This led to the development of a dual fuel design which allows users to cook with either charcoal or electric on a single stove. This enables users safely cook inside, when using electric, but allows them to cook with charcoal outside. The design is open source and has been developed for local manufacture and production, it includes a set of templates and instructions in a box. This allows new businesses and NGOs to purchase a ‘stove in a box’ kit to design and build dual fuel stoves.