SquatEase - Inclined Towards Change
An ergonomically designed Squat Toilet Pan to ensure behaviour change with comfortable squatting.
SquatEase is a unique squat toilet pan designed to make squatting more ergonomic and pain-free. It is also the first ever uni-directional toilet and is accessible for all including the visually impaired and the elderly. Squatting while using a conventional squat toilet can be stressful on the knees and requires balancing. It often causes knee related problems over a period of time, making it a difficult experience for the elderly. The new footrest design of the SquatEase pan has an inclined plane that divides the pressure on the entire foot instead of the toes. This inclined plane also makes squatting uni-directional which prevents improper usage, thereby keeping it clean. The tactile markings for direction change aid the visually impaired to locate the footrest. #LeaveNoOneBehind. It creates a positive behaviour change in the user and aims to promote good sanitation practices to put an end to Open defecation. SquatEase endorses "small changes create a big impact"