A scannable wristband that bartenders can use to track number of alcoholic drinks purchased.
Booze-Bandz is a wristband worn by customers in participating bars and restaurants. When purchasing an alcoholic drink, the wristband can be scanned and used as a payment method with an embedded chip. The bartender can see the number of drinks purchased by this customer and when they were purchased in order to assist them in deciding if it is safe to keep serving this customer alcohol. In addition, users can customize their wristbands and create a profile that is paired with their wristband through a smartphone app. Each time the band is scanned to purchase a drink, the user earns points that can be used as discounts in order to encourage people to use our product. In addition, the wristband can estimate the wearer's blood alcohol content. Finally, the wristband can be used by police and insurance companies to create safer roads and prevent drunk driving. Any previous incidents due to drunk driving or public intoxication can be stored in the database to alert bartenders to this.