NEOVILI enables the fashion supply chain to neutralize its environmental footprint.
Neovili offers an unbiased, precise and easy to use platform to enable the Luxury & Fashion Industry to become clean. By having the exact measurement of its impact, the Industry will be able to easily offset its footprint and bring resources back to the planet. We believe and offer a fashion choice to revert climate change. With big data and behavioral economics we know that we can re-think fashion to neutralize carbon impact. We innovate towards a clean supply chain and closing the loop. Our digitalized process includes resource allocation that will subsidize investment in neutralizing the environmental footprint. We create smart and ethical products. The collection planning will be conceived "with the end in mind". The lifecycle will take in consideration the footprint and will be taking action to bring resources back to the planet. We commit for a fair and sustainable economic model. The environment will benefit greatly from our processes.