A re-design of the classic 3-pin plug for use in the 21st century
Mi Plug is an exploration into redesigning the 3-pin plug, to better match the power and convenience needs of a standard 21st century home. The plugs are stackable, waterproof and safe for children, thanks to their full plastic construction. The idea for the technology came while staring at a toothbrush charger - which uses magnetic induction to charge the toothbrush through solid plastic. The plugs use a variation of this principle, with a transmitter in the socket and a receiver in the plug. Each socket is capable of powering up to 100 watts, and stacking up to 8 plugs on a single socket. As each socket has a set limit of how much it can power, a series of lights draw themselves around each socket as more power is being used - eventually filling up and turning red when it's reached it's limit. Because there are no exposed metal contacts, the plugs are very safe and can even be used underwater – opening up the possibilities for a much wider range of applications.