The Great Bubble Barrier
A smart solution to plastic pollution.
Every minute, the equivalent of one full garbage truck of plastic trash is dumped in the sea. That is 1440 trucks per 24 hours and in total 8 billion kilos per year. With 80% of those plastics coming directly from land. The Bubble Barrier creates a barrier stopping plastics from flowing past, but it also allows fish and ships to pass through the barrier unimpeded. The Bubble Barrier forms a barrier for plastics, but allows fish and marine animals to easily pass through. The Bubble Barrier has no effect on passing ships. The Bubble Barrier effectively cleans the entire width and depth of our channels, rivers and canals. Every day, human waste from our cities and towns contributes to the plastic soup in the oceans. Once in the water, the plastic is choked on by marine animals and causes damage to passing boats. The tiniest of the plastic particles can be found in our drinking water.